Create a developer account

Available account types

  • 1: POS Role

  • 2: Delivery/Market Role

  • 3: Inventory System Role

  • 4: Supplier Role

  • 5: Logistic Role

Account types descriptions

POS Role

Pos Role allows you to do the following:

  1. Accept orders.

  2. Deny orders.

  3. Get orders from our availabable integrations.

  4. Get menus from our available integrations.

  5. Disable delivery integrations.

  6. Upload menus to our available integrations.

  7. Enable delivery integrations

  8. Disable delivery integrations.

Delivery/Market Role

Delivery/Market Role allows you to do the following:

  1. Send orders to our available POS integrations.

  2. Receive menus from our available POS integrations.

Create account


This endpoint creates an account which will have the available APIs depending on the type.


Request Body

    "message": "Successful registration.",
    "data": {
        "name": "Test",
        "email": ""

You will receive an email with: integration_id, client_id and client_secret so you can generate your account access token.

When you create an Delivery/Market role account, you will receive the integration_id that represents your Delivery o Market in our plataform.

Last updated